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Groveland Fire and Police Departments Offer Heat Safety Tips

For Immediate Release

Friday, July 15, 2015

Contact: John Guilfoil
Phone: 617-993-0003

Groveland Fire and Police Departments Offer Heat Safety Tips

GROVELAND – Fire Chief Robert Lay and Deputy Police Chief Jeffrey Gillen remind residents to take precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses as temperatures rise this week.

“Please be cautious as you spend time outside and at the pool this summer,” Chief Lay said. “Wear sunscreen, stay hydrated, and keep track of how many hours you and your children are spending in the sun.”

The American Red Cross reports that excessive heat has caused more deaths than all other weather events and that residents should be aware of three conditions that could occur during this stretch of hot weather:

Heat cramps: muscular pains and spasms that usually occur in the legs or abdomen caused by exposure to high heat and humidity and loss of fluids and electrolytes. Heat cramps are often an early sign that the body is having trouble with the heat.
— If someone you know is suffering from heat cramps, move the person indoors or to a cooler place and hydrate.

Heat exhaustion: typically involves the loss of body fluids through heavy sweating during strenuous exercise or physical labor in high heat and humidity. Signs include cool, moist, pale or flushed skin, heavy sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness, weakness and exhaustion.
— If you see someone suffering from heat exhaustion, move the person to a cooler place. Remove or loosen tight clothing and apply cool, wet cloths or towels to the skin. Fan the person. If the person is conscious, give small amounts of cool water to drink. Make sure the person drinks slowly. Watch for changes in condition.

Heat stroke: (also known as sunstroke) is a life-threatening condition in which a person’s temperature control system stops working and the body is unable to cool itself. Signs include hot, red skin that may be dry or moist, changes in consciousness, vomiting and a high body temperature.
— If you see someone suffering from heat stroke, move the person to a cool area. Quickly cool the person’s body by giving care as you would for heat exhaustion. If needed, continue rapid cooling by applying ice or cold packs wrapped in a cloth to the wrists, ankles, groin, neck and armpits.

“Temperatures reaching the high eighties and nineties can be dangerous for children and seniors,” Deputy Chief Gillen said. “Please make sure to check on your family and neighbors over the weekend and into next week.”

During a heat wave, the Groveland Police and Fire Departments suggest that the community follow safety precautions outlined by the American Red Cross:

If you see someone who is suffering from a heat-related issue, please call 911.


Groveland Fire and Police Departments Offer Heat Safety Tips
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