To file a complaint, please download and print the Groveland Police Complaint Form or complete the form below.
Please note: Complaints can be against an employee or the department as a whole. All complaints, including anonymous complaints will be fully investigated.
Officer & Department Complaint Instructions:
- Please fill out the attached Groveland Police Department Complaint Form. The form will be given to the Officer in Charge of the shift and a copy of your complaint will be given to the complainant to serve as a receipt of the complaint.
- The completed complaint will be submitted to the Administrative Lieutenant for investigation.
- A status of the investigation will be given within 30 days of the submission of the complaint. If the investigation takes longer than 30 days, the complainant will be updated at least every 30 days on the status.
- The Lieutenant will provide a summary report of the findings to the Chief of Police for a final review.
- The Lieutenant will provide the response to the complaint.
- An appeal of the investigation findings must be submitted to the Chief of Police within 7-days of the Lieutenant’s response to the complaint.
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